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Can I cancel a BA flight and get a refund? Bethlehem

  Other Services

How to cancel an online British Airways ticket?
Sometimes, when you are unable to proceed with your travel and seek information to cancel a British Airways flight, then the fastest yet easiest method for getting help should be online or contacting the representative from customer services.

Go onto the official website of British Airways.
Now, you need to select the login tab and enter the correct information
Furthermore, like the Manage My Booking tab
Enter the booking reference code and last name of the traveler
Once you retrieve the ticket onscreen, select the cancel button and wait for a while
Next page, you will have to mention the details for cancellation, like the topic and its reasoning, within 1000 characters
At last, tap over the submit button, and you receive a confirmation email.

However, you are also allowed to use the phone number for purposes like cancel a BA flight and get a refund, and for that, you should dial the telephone number 1-802-214-2958 / 1-800-247-9297; you have to follow the call steps, which will help you to connect instantly with the live representative and you retain instant help.

Keywords: cancel a BA flight and get a refund

 Published date:

February 1, 2024







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